Families of Grace contact information
Phone Number : (717) 264-3767
Address: 315 S Edwards Ave, Chambersburg,
PA, 17201
Directions from Route 30
We are located 3/10 of a mile south of US 30 on Edwards Avenue, one mile East of I-81. (Dunkin Donuts is across from Edwards Avenue.)
Directions from Falling Springs Road
Edwards Avenue is also off the Falling Spring Road near the Falling Spring Elementary School. Turn north on Edwards Avenue, which is across from Cider Press Road.
Address: 315 S Edwards Ave, Chambersburg,
PA, 17201
Directions from Route 30
We are located 3/10 of a mile south of US 30 on Edwards Avenue, one mile East of I-81. (Dunkin Donuts is across from Edwards Avenue.)
Directions from Falling Springs Road
Edwards Avenue is also off the Falling Spring Road near the Falling Spring Elementary School. Turn north on Edwards Avenue, which is across from Cider Press Road.